professional tools - 枪类武器
nutter tools - 变态武器
precious protection - 加满防弹衣
aspirine - 加满血
you wont take me alive - 加2个警察抓你的星星
leave me alone - 警察星星变零
a pleasant day - 好天气
a lovely day - 超好天气
a bit drieg - 云天
cats and dogs - 雨天
cant see a thing - 雾天
panzer - 给你个坦克
life is passing me by - 时间过得更快
big bang - 附近所有车子爆炸
still like dressing up - 换玩家的人物
fight fight fight - 街上人打架
nobody likes me - 攻击市民造成更大伤害
our god given right to bear arms - 街上所有人有武器
on speed - 走的更快
booooooring - 走的更慢
wheels are all ineed - 车子不见..只有轮子
come fly with me - 苍蝇飞来飞去(车会飘)
grip is everything - 车辆有喷汽弹射功能(shift)
chases tat - 2颗星以上显示媒体级别
chicks with guns - 手下变拿M4的MM(前提得做老大)
i cant take it anymore - 自杀
green light - 所有红绿灯变绿
miami traffic - 路上车子开的很快
ah air dresser scar - 路上的车全变成紫色
i want it pain ted black - 路上的车全变成爆炸后的颜色
travel in style - 车子会飞
the last ride - 给你一辆葬礼车
rock and roll car - 给你一辆豪华轿车
rubbish car - 给你一辆垃圾车
get the refast - 给你一辆 SABRE TURBO
better than walking - 给你一辆caddy
look like lance - LANCE皮肤
my son is a lawyer - 律师皮肤
i look like hilary - HILARY SKIN
rock and roll man - 摇滚舞者皮肤
one armed bandit - 强盗皮肤
i dont have the money sonny - MAFIOSI SKIN
sea ways - 车可以在水里开(浅滩下水)
loads of little things - 跑车车轮变大(仅INFERNUS、CHEETAH)
hopingirl - 附近的人上你的车
air ship - 快艇会飘起来
foxy little thing - MAFIOSI DAUGHTER SKIN (女儿)
we love our dick - SCOTTISH SKIN (苏格兰人)
get there quickly - 得到快车子
get there very fast indeed - 得到超快车
get there amazingly fast - 得到超超快车
fanny magnet - 女人都会被你吸引
cheats have been cracked - BALDGUY SKIN
certain death - 嘴里叼跟烟
deep fried mars bars - 变胖
programmer - 变瘦
panzer - 坦克
你准备开学 骗子们也在准备“开工” 准大学生们 请查收这份防骗秘籍
套路一 “真假新生班级群”
套路二 “刷单兼职”
套路三 “校园贷”骗局
套路四 “学费退费”骗局
套路五 “助学金类”
美好的大学生活即将开始,认准官方通知,保护个人隐私,树立反诈意识,让不法分子无机可乘。最后愿同学们度过一个平安愉快的新学期。沈阳晚报、沈报全媒体主任记者 杨硕
来源: 沈阳晚报
iamgod - Toggles instant autocombat victory
tasman - explores the entire map
barentz - Explores and reveals the entire map
unexplore - Unexplores the map
cruijff - Toggles infinite movement
oldenbarnevelt - Gives 100,000 Imperium
rembrandt- Gives 100,000 Gold
ikbedoelalles - Unlocks all global operations
switch_tm - Switches between simultaneous and classic turns
questmaster - Toggles quests
masterskills - Unlocks all research
leeuwenhoek - Instantly finishes current research
hauer - levels up the selected stack
philips - toggles instant production
optimalprime - toggles instant operation priming
demo - unlocks all research, gives 100,000 gold, toggles instant production, and toggles instant operation priming
makevassal - Turns selected free city or player into a vassal
eendracht - Adds one fake beacon for expansion victory
eenheid - Adds max fake sectors for expansion victory
verdoemenis - Adds one fake root node for magic victory
flyingdutchman - Toggles infinite movement, grants 100,000 gold, and explores + reveals the map
huygens - Get one affinity level for each affinity, unlocks the empire progression tree before 10 turns have passed
spaargaren - Unlocks the empire progression tree before 10 turns have passed
rallythelieges - Starts the next Rally of the Lieges
engelen - Gain positive alignment in all channels
demonen - Gain negative alignment in all channels
martin - Increases the max hero cap to 999
genp.risonhero - Generates a random hero in the prison
gencrypthero - Generates a random hero in the crypt
genhero - Generate a random offmap hero
revealpersonality - Reveals the personality traits of selected AI player
warlord - Declares war on all other players
improverelation - Improves relations with the selected city
makecoop - Starts a pact of cooperation with the selected independent city or player
makeloyal - Starts a pact of loyalty with the selected independent city or player
makeintegrated - Starts a pact of integration with the selected independent city or player
makewar - Starts a war with the selected independent city or player
makeneutral - Sets diplomatic state to neutral with the selected independent city or player
makeally - Forms an alliance with the selected independent city or player
makehappy - Improves relations with the selected independent city or player
makeangry - Decreases relations with the selected independent city or player
lely - Toggles instant operations
voorhees - Toggles unlocking all non-signature hero skills
ruijter - Adds 1 copy of each hero item to the hero item store
completechapter - Completes the current research chapter
instantskills - Toggles instant research
freepop - Instantly grows the population in the selected city
medic - Heals the selected unit
victory1 - Triggers instant military victory
victory2 - Triggers instant expansion victory
victory3 - Triggers instant magic victory
victory4 - Triggers instant score victory
hein - Triggers instant score victory
defeat1 - Triggers instant leader killed defeat
defeat2 - Triggers instant throne city lost defeat
defeat3 - Triggers instant expansion defeat
defeat4 - Triggers instant magic defeat
defeat5 - Triggers instant score defeat
willem - Triggers instant score defeat
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