Radiation: 辐射的英语表达方式。
例句:Exposure to high levels of radiation can have harmful effects on human health. (暴露在高水平的辐射下可能对人类健康产生不良影响。)
Ionizing radiation: 离子辐射。
例句:X-rays and gamma rays are examples of ionizing radiation. (X射线和γ射线是离子辐射的例子。)
Non-ionizing radiation: 非离子辐射。
例句:Visible light and radio waves are forms of non-ionizing radiation. (可见光和无线电波是非离子辐射的形式。)
Radiation exposure: 辐射暴露。
例句:Workers in nuclear power plants take precautions to minimize radiation exposure. (核电站的工人采取预防措施以最小化辐射暴露。)
Radiation therapy: 放射治疗。
例句:Radiation therapy is commonly used in the treatment of cancer. (放射治疗常用于癌症的治疗。)
Radioactive contamination: 放射性污染。
例句:The nuclear accident resulted in widespread radioactive contamination of the surrounding area. (核事故导致周围地区广泛的放射性污染。)
Radioactive decay: 放射性衰变。
例句:Radioactive isotopes undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation in the process. (放射性同位素经历放射性衰变,过程中释放辐射。)
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