【2019年9月24日 百天英语-Day63】
今日主题句:她英语讲得还不错。She speaks English fairly well.
We want a fairly large house. 我们要一个相当大的房子。(言下之意,这个房子不是小的,也不是特别大的,而是适度的大房子的,毕竟fairly这个单词取于fair,表示公平的。所以fairly作副词讲,也有公平之意)
[注] fairly large中的fairly同样可以替换为quite,pretty等。
This house is rather large than we want. 这个房子比我们所需要的大了一点。(rather来表示大时,往往带有一丝不合适的意味)
fairly safe 相当安全;
fairly well 相当好;
fairly soon 相当快。
一般我们不会说fairly bad,fairly dangerous,而是用rather。
rather bad 相当坏;
rather dangerous 相当危险
The homework is rather too difficult for me. 这个作业对我来说太“南”了。
(4)would rather 连用可表示“宁愿”,但fairly不行。[例句]
I would rather come earlier. 我宁愿早点来。
参考词汇:1. 难懂 incomprehensible
incomprehensible 读音 /ɪn,kɑmprɪ'hɛnsəbl/
adj. 费解的;无限的;不可思议的
【前缀】 in- = im- 表示“否定”(之前讲过)
【后缀】 -ble = -able,在这里 a 变成 i,元音互换不影响含义(之前也讲过),表示形容词。
【中间部分】 comprehens
【前缀】 com- 表示“全部的”
【词根】 prehens = prehend 表示“抓住”,比如 apprehend vt. 逮捕,拘押。
incomprehensible (in不+com全部+prehens抓住+ible形容词)不能全部抓住的,老师讲的知识点,不能全部抓住,就理解不了。所以这个单词就是“不能理解的,费解的”。
【明日预报】表示原因摘要:一说起原因,大家第一个想起的单词一定是because,我明天将会讲的内容是because,because of,due to, owing to, thanks to 和 for,这几个表示原因的用法。听起来就干货满满,记得关注明天的课哦。
昨天学习:clothes 和 uniform 的用法(点击阅读)〡参考答案(1)帽子是校服的一部分。
The hat is part of the school uniform .
The walls were a uniform grey.
The flood victims need shelter and warm clothing.
- END -
quite, pretty, rather 及fairly的区别
quite, pretty, rather 及fairly的区别
Quite和pretty在意思上相似(比very少,但比a little多):
I’m surprised you haven’t heard of her. She’s quite famous. 或 She’s pretty famous.
(= less than ‘very famous’, but more than ‘a little famous’)
Anna lives quite near me, so we see each other pretty often.
Quite 置于a/an的前面:
We live in quite an old house. (not a quite old house)
Sarah has quite a good job.
Sarah has a pretty good job.
quite a/an + noun (without an adjective):
I didn’t expect to see them. It was quite a surprise. (= quite a big surprise)
quite a lot (of …):
There were quite a lot of guests at the wedding.
quite + verb, 特别是 like and enjoy:
I quite like tennis, but it’s not my favourite sport.
The weather isn’t so good. It’s rather cloudy.
Paul is rather shy. He doesn’t talk very much.
These oranges are rather good. Where did you get them?
Fairly 要比 quite/rather/pretty弱. 举例来说 fairly good, 它的含义是 it is not very
good and it could be better:
My room is fairly big, but I’d prefer a bigger one.
We see each other fairly often, but not as often as we used to.
Quite 也有‘completely’的含义,例如:
‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes, quite sure.’ (= completely sure)
Quite 有 ‘completely’的含义,跟几个形容词:
She was quite different from what I expected. (= completely different)
Everything they said was quite true. (= completely true)
quite (= completely) 也可以搭配动词,例如:
I quite agree with you. (= I completely agree)
not quite = not completely:
I don’t quite understand what you mean.
‘Are you ready yet?’ ‘Not quite.’ (= not completely)
The story is quite interesting. (= less than ‘very interesting’)
The story is quite true. (= completely true)
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